Behaviour for Learning
Shows to support behaviour for learning - a day's worth of CPD for your ears!

Bill Rogers: a TTR special
Hosted by Tom Rogers
Tom Rogers talks to Australian behaviour expert Bill Rogers (no relation) about all things behaviour in schools. What's going wrong? What strategies should teachers implement in the classroom?
April 2024
Behaviour and climate for learning
Hosted by Kathryn Taylor
Kathryn Taylor is joined by Assistant Headteacher Zoe Neagle to discuss her first year in role at a North London school.
April 2024

Why has there been a decline in student behaviour in schools?
Hosted by Tom Rogers
Tom Rogers is joined by Katie Waissel, Adam Woodward, James Bickerstaff, Gulcin Sesli and many more to discuss the key reasons for the decline in behaviour in schools, including social media, mobile phones, parenting, entitlement, lack of SEND support, curriculum, mental health, trauma, super strict schools, Covid and lower societal expectations.
March 2024
Boomers to Bloomers: how much has pupil behaviour changed over the years?
Hosted by Michelle Hinds
Michelle Hinds engages in an honest and open discussion on classroom behaviour approaches then and now with Coshia Belvet.
February 2024

What's supply teaching really like in 2024?
Hosted by Tom Rogers
Tom Rogers is joined by two current supply teachers, Beth and Stuart, who share their experiences of working on supply. Beth shares her story of working as a supply teacher in 15 different London schools since September, including some shocking behaviour incidents she has had to face. Stuart is an experienced supply teacher, on his third 'stint'. He shares his positive and negative experience and includes some advice for supply teachers and leaders who support them.
February 2024
What's behind the rise in violent behaviour in Scottish schools?
Hosted by Tom Hopkins Burke
Over £500,000 was paid out to EIS members in Scotland in personal injury claims in 2023 - with more than 40 per cent of settlements related to teachers being assaulted in the workplace. Tom Hopkins Burke spoke with Anne Keenan, the EIS's Assistant Secretary for Education and Equality, to find out more.
January 2024

Current behaviour challenges in education
Hosted by Anna Hudson
Anna Hudson is joined by several guests to discuss the current behaviour landscape in UK schools and possible solutions to the challenges.
October 2023

Classroom Management 101
Hosted by Tom Rogers
Tom is joined by Derrick, Andy, Gillian, Daisy and other teachers to discuss their responses to teacher FAQ on student behaviour. Listen in for 90 minutes of trouble shooting from a wealth of teachers with a depth of classroom experience.
October 2023

Tom Bennett on Behaviour
Hosted by Tom Rogers
Tom Bennett OBE is the UK government behaviour advisor. He sits down with Tom Rogers to discuss all things behaviour in 2023, with SLANT, TLAC, routines, mobile phones, uniforms, silent corridors, relationships and behaviour leadership all under the microscope.
Jan 2023
Classroom management clinic
Hosted by Poppy Gibson
Poppy is joined by Adele Bates to discuss all things classroom management, taking listener questions.
May 2023

Implementing behaviour policies
Hosted by Nathan Gynn
When behaviour systems go bad... what are the barriers to implementing a behaviour policy in your school? Nathan Gynn is joined by Hannah Lloyd, a secondary school Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour and Safeguarding.
November 2022