- Brent Poland and Adam Spence
1. Best thing about teaching?
Brent: Working with the kids in the classroom - sometimes they possess insight, curiosity and wisdom beyond their years, and besides, they make me laugh.
Adam: Helping young people understand the world around them.
2. Best city you've ever visited/lived in?
Brent: Sydney: I lived and worked there in the year 2000 in the Olympic Stadium..
Adam: When I visited Mexico City when I was 21 it was a complete assault on the senses.
3. A song you listen to when happy/sad?
Brent: Happy song = Guns n' Roses, Sweet Child O' Mine. Sad song = the Titanic soundtrack - the bagpipes get me every time.
Adam: Sad song is Blackbird by The Beatles - "take these broken wings and learn to fly" is a perfect pick-me-up. Happy song is The Beta Band - Dry the Rain. Just because it's great.
4. Biggest education inspiration?
Brent: My primary teacher Vera Fegan who taught me discipline.
Adam: My business studies teacher Mr Hudson. It was probably a lie but he said he worked with Pulp in Sheffield when they were starting out. From that point he had my respect.
5. Describe your TTR shows in one sentence
Brent: Topical, a touch controversial with an occasional rant.
Adam: Thoughtful and challenging/
6. Favourite TTR guest (on one of your shows)
Brent: My first guest, former NEU joint general secretary Kevin Courtney. He was such a gentleman that I promised to keep him for fifteen minutes, yet he was still answering my questions 45 minutes later!
Adam: Karam Bales.
7. Favourite TTR episode (of yours) so far and why?
Brent: I am proud of the Ruth Perry inquest show which I was really nervous about since emotions were very raw. It turned out to be over 3 hours and for me was Teachers Talk Radio at its best, giving the profession a voice and a platform to express its views.
Adam: Our show on AI in the classroom: a useful friend or our ultimate replacement?
8. Your teaching philosophy?
Brent: I am an unapologetic disciple of the Socratic method (Sage on the stage) with a hint of B.F Skinner (old school discipline) and dash of Carol Dweck (there are no limits).
Adam: Contextualise everything. Learning through practical application.
9. Best bit of advice you ever got?
Brent: “Sir, you need to slow down: we can’t understand you!” My first tutor group were brutally honest about how quickly I used to speak in the classroom.
Adam: What is for you will not pass you.
10. Dream guest on your TTR show?
Brent: The almighty, controller or person/entity in charge of this planet. I have just a few questions about humanity for they/them.
Adam: Blind Boy Boathouse. He likes to explore mental health issues caused by the education system.

Broadcasting from the UK