Careers and Futures
Shows to support careers education in schools and beyond

Careers Spotlight
Hosted by Tom Hopkins Burke
Tom is joined by Janet Colledge to dissect Ofsted’s review of careers education in schools, and Chris Webb to discuss the role AI could play in careers education.
October 2023
Harness hope through careers education
Hosted by Nazya Ghalib and Krupa Patel
Nazya and Krupa are joined by Ladi Mohammed-Chapman to talk about the Gatsby benchmarks, the power of networks, and top tips for educators.
July 2023

Oracy: is it worth all the chat?
Hosted by Hannah Wilson
Employers say that oracy is the skill students are lacking the most. Hannah Wilson is joined by Edwina Harvey to talk about its impact and different strategies teachers can use to boost oracy in their schools.
October 2023
What skills do students need for their futures?
Hosted by Brent Poland and Adam Spence
Brent and Adam discuss their own schooling and what they are currently doing in their schools to deliver a progressive curriculum. They discuss the twelve student skills that are useful and the OECD report into The Future of Education and Skills.
November 2022

Students' aspirations in London and the UK
Hosted by Rae
How does a London education impact young people's views of their futures and their place in the world? How can London schools make use of their geographical privilege and resources? Are schools in the wider UK doing enough to close the cultural and aspirational gaps? Rae and Anna discuss the differences between students' academic and career aspirations in London and the rest of the UK, with contributions from a primary teacher in the North West and a South London careers advisor.
July 2023
STEM Careers
Hosted by Ed Finch and Toby Payne-Cook
Ed and Toby talk about Science, science weeks and STEM careers.
March 2022