1. Best thing about teaching?
My subject. I feel incredibly fortunate to teach A-Level Politics, as it allows me to merge my personal passion for politics with my professional responsibilities in the classroom.
2. Best city you’ve ever visited?
Without doubt New York City. I visited there after working for Camp America at the age of 19 and have never been so stunned with one place. It will take a lot to top NYC!
3. A song you listen to when happy/sad?
"Better when I’m dancing" by Meghan Trainor never fails to lift my spirits because it serves as a reminder of a special connection with my daughter.
4. Biggest education inspiration
My colleague, Jo, who is not only a remarkable individual but also an exceptional practitioner in teaching and learning. She consistently makes time to assist her colleagues and is highly valued by both staff and students. We are fortunate to have her among us.
5. TTR Shows in one word
6. Favourite TTR guest
Paul Goldsmith. It was a pleasure to have a guest on who was equally as passionate about politics as well as teaching and learning at the same time. I could have spoken to him for hours!
7. Favourite TTR episode
I hosted a Sunday Lunchtime special on A-Level Politics. I absolutely loved spending 90 minutes discussing in depth the ins and outs of the A-level Politics exam. I will definitely revisit that again in the future.
8. Teaching Philosophy
Learn a lot! Laugh a lot!
9. Best advice you ever got?
In my first week of placement as a student teacher, I was told to ‘get the kids on side and everything else will seem easier.’ It is still as fresh 12 years on as the day it was spoken!
10. Dream guest
Gary Neville. I never miss his shows. I would love to do a show comparing coaching to teaching. I bet I would learn a lot from him.

- Chris Wilkinson
Broadcasting from Durham