What were the ten most downloaded Teachers Talk Radio shows in August 2024? Read on to find out what made our TTR Top Ten!
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10) TRA misconduct cases, teacher side hustles, parenting and teaching: The Weekly Review
Back on 4th August, the three top stories making the news were discussed in the Weekly Review with John Gibbs, Claire Cannon and host Paul Hazzard.
Teacher misconduct cases ‘driven up’ by parent complaints
I quit teaching for my side hustle
Teacher mums who leave profession fuelling shortages
9) The Next Five Years: The Saturday Social with Xander Lofts
In at 9, debut host Xander talks to Mark Ravenwood about teacher recruitment and retention under Labour’s educational initiatives, and why record numbers are both leaving the profession and failing to qualify. To what extent will the 20% VAT levied on independent schools affect the state sector? Will students with SEND be particularly vulnerable? And how can teachers best support students with additional requirements? Two Maths teachers share and compare ideas.
8) The effects of prior learning: The Saturday Breakfast Show with Darren Lester

In at 8, Darren looks at the research into prior learning and thinks about why we need to be more deliberate about our elicitation of it in our teaching.
7) GCSE Results Special: Education Tonight

In at 7, Brent Poland and Paul Hazzard discuss this year's GCSE results and examine the exam system to find out if it's fit for purposes.
Tonight's guest is Sammy Wright.
6) Direct Instruction Demystified: The Saturday Lunch Show Live with Jamie Clark

In at 5, Jamie is joined by teacher guest Zach Groshell to discuss all things DI and instructional coaching.
5) Tips for starting in a new school: The Late Show with Tom Rogers

Tom hosts solo as he explores the do's and don'ts for starting out in a new school. He talks about his own personal experiences of starting in new schools and then delves into teachers shared wisdom on how to make the best possible start in a new place of work.
4) How do great pastoral systems bring joy to schools: The Sunday Late Late Show with Beejesh Deva

Beejesh talks with Kalil Rouse on how great pastoral systems bring joy to schools. They unpack the underpinning values and principles behind great systems, how great schools use both restorative and punitive measures, how to have a great restorative conversation and much more..
Now into the Top 3!......
3) Critical skills to help students identify fake news and conspiracy theories? The Late Show with Tom Rogers
Can you teach critical thinking? Should you? What is fake news? How should we instruct students to handle online information? Should we? This is a far ranging debate featuring Claire Fox (Director of the Institute of Ideas), Dan Sohege (Director of Stand for All), Kirsty, Paul and Alistair (all classroom teachers) + some callers too.
2) How do teachers use humour? The Friday Morning Break with John Gibbs
Do you make your students laugh? Is this something that helps or hinders? When are the jokes not funny? My guest, Hannah Robinson, is asking these questions in her research for a PhD. After teaching year 7 and 8 Maths, Hannah realised that humour was part of her teaching persona and wanted to learn more. Listen to how her research is going in a fascinating discussion.
And at Number #1!
1) Nationwide riots - How should schools react?: The Late Show with Tom Rogers

Tom Rogers discusses the recent protests and riots that have taken place across the UK. What should schools do? How should schools react? Tom is joined by headteacher Laura Parker who shares her plans for September in light of recent events, including her schools focus on character education. Yasmin Omer, a Science teacher in London, shares her take on how teachers and schools should handle the aftermath of these protests. In the discussion - Should schools host an assembly when students come back? What happens if students voice opinions about the protests in class? How should teachers handle debate in class? What influence can teachers have at times like this?
Missed a show? Catch up with all our shows on demand at ttradio.org/listenback
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