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Top Ten: July 2024

Writer: Tom RogersTom Rogers

What were the ten most downloaded Teachers Talk Radio shows in July 2024? Read on to find out what made our TTR Top Ten!

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10) Creating culture and building teams: The Twilight Show with Adam Kohlbeck

Light bulbs

In at 10, Adam Kohlbeck talks team building....


9) Inclusion Matters: The Sunday Social with Anna Hudson

Wellbeing: we're all in it together - the Late Show with Tom Rogers, Hannah Wilson, Steve Waters and Suneta Bagri

In at 9, Anna Hudson talks inclusion and why it always matters....


8) Is it ambitious to stay in the classroom?: The Late Show with Amanda Kinsley-Smith

Six ways to divide British accents

Amanda and guest on being ambitious and staying in the classroom....


7) Reading Intervention in Schools: The Late Late Show with Sean MacKay

T-Levels: the next level qualification

Sean talks about reading interventions in schools and how they can be effective with a very special guest....


6) What makes a great teacher?: The Twilight Show with Graham Stanley

A mind-map for neurodiversity

In at 6, Graham discusses the research around what makes a great teacher....


5) Progress? What's that? Student progression in schools: The Late Show with Tom Rogers

A blackboard that says 'project based learning'

What does student progress look like in schools? Tom Rogers and guests discuss....


4) TTR Special: Staff strike over 'draconian measures'

Presenting Children to Maths by David Shattock

The staff at one school in the south of England went on strike recently over what they describe as the 'draconian policies' introduced at the school....TTR interviews the teachers concerned....


Now into the Top 3!......

3) Students not bringing pens to lessons - big deal or big nothing? The Late Show with Tom Rogers

Five examples of fronted adverbials

Does it really matter if students don't bring a pen to lessons?....


2) Decoding the Science of Learning: The Saturday Live Show with Jamie Clark

An AI generated image of a child and a robot in school

Jamie's debut in the top 10, on the surge for the Science of Learning with guest Dr Nathaniel Swain


And at Number #1!

1) The United Learning Alternative Pension Plan: The Late Show with Tom Rogers

Bill Rogers

In at 1, Tom discusses the new and controversial pension plan from United Learning....


Missed a show? Catch up with all our shows on demand at

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