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TTR Top Ten: April 2024

Writer: Tom Hopkins-BurkeTom Hopkins-Burke

What were the ten most downloaded Teachers Talk Radio shows in April 2024? Read on to find out what made our TTR Top Ten!

Listen back to all ten shows without leaving the page - just press play and keep scrolling!


10) Concept driven curriculum: The Twilight Show with Adam Kohlbeck

Light bulbs

Adam's debut show made the top ten this month. He explored building curriculum around key concepts and how this can aid processing and build meaningful learning opportunities that enhance long-term memory. His guest was Chris Passey.


9) Well-being - we're all in it together! The Late Show with Teach Well Toolkit

Wellbeing: we're all in it together - the Late Show with Tom Rogers, Hannah Wilson, Steve Waters and Suneta Bagri

Tom Rogers and Hannah Wilson are joined by Steve Waters and Suneta Bagri from Teach Well Toolkit to discuss mental health and well-being in schools. What strategies, tools and actions can a school or educational institution take to support staff and student well-being?

To find out more about their DfE fully-funded senior mental health lead training and their Heartfelt Leadership headteachers' handbook, email


8) Teachers and their accents: the Late Show with Lucy Neuburger

Six ways to divide British accents

Lucy explores teacher accents - have they held some teachers back? Lucy is joined by a range of guests who describe their experience of having a prominent accent in education.


7) The Middle Ground for T-Levels and A-Levels: The Morning Break with Sabrina Ahmed-Qureshi

T-Levels: the next level qualification

Sabrina is joined by Dr Simon Fox who discusses the gap in between T-Level and A-Level offers for Level 3 programmes following recent reforms in Further Education.


6) Neurodiversity and Writing: The Late Late Show with Sean Mackay

A mind-map for neurodiversity

Sean talks to author Emily Randall-Jones about neurodiversity and writing, the creative process and everything in between. They talk about the differences, challenges and some great advice and strategies to get the best from your neurodiverse students.


5) Project Based Learning in Construction: The Morning Break with Sabrina Ahmed-Qureshi

A blackboard that says 'project based learning'

Sabrina is joined by Ian Moore to discuss Project Based Learning and how Ian has designed, developed and implemented it for his Construction students.


4) Presenting Children to Maths: The Late Show with Tom Rogers and Kathryn Clark

Presenting Children to Maths by David Shattock

Tom Rogers and guest host Kathryn Clark interview Maths educator and author David Shattock about his book, 'Presenting Children to Maths', published by John Catt. You can grab your copy of the book right here.


3) Teaching Grammar: The Late Show with Lucy Neuburger

Five examples of fronted adverbials

Lucy chats with author and former teacher Lucy Strange about grammar teaching. They discuss whether the problem is what's being taught or how it's being taught. They also ponder the impact of technology on children's imagination and writing skills.


2) The role of AI in the future of education: The Late Show with James Radburn

An AI generated image of a child and a robot in school

James Radburn is joined by Laura Knight and Chris Goodall to explore the role of AI in education - the intricacies of integrating AI into educational practices, the importance of adaptability and the critical role of ethical considerations.


1) Bill Rogers: a Teachers Talk Radio special

Bill Rogers

Tom Rogers talks to Australian behaviour expert Bill Rogers about all things behaviour in schools...

  • What's going wrong?

  • What needs to change?

  • What strategies should teachers implement in the classroom?

  • What about restorative conversations? Sanctions? Impact? School leadership support?

All this and more covered in this 90-minute conversation - enjoy! The video version of this interview can be found here.


Missed a show? Catch up with all our shows on demand at

With special thanks to our sponsors Teach Well Toolkit, a multi-award-winning company equipping school communities to build a culture of staff and pupil mental health. By signing up to Teach Well Toolkit’s Senior Mental Health Lead training, you will have access to a fully resourced, unique programme which will support you every step of the way in your role as Senior Mental Health Lead in your school. Find out more at!



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