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What do you get up to during the summer holidays?


We have finally reached the end of the academic year 2021-2022! It has been incredibly challenging for all school staff in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether we want to admit it or not, this year hit us differently mentally, physically and emotionally. Well done for making it to the end!

The beginning of the summer holidays creates a sense of relief for some teachers as they look forward to being in control of their lives once more. Time with family and friends, finishing a meal, naps and being able to go to the toilet whenever they so choose are all things taken for granted in term time.

For others, six or more weeks stretched out in front of them does not create a welcome feeling. Some take comfort in their job's routine and structure and feel at sea without it. Some take on additional jobs for extra income; others worry about how to occupy their children day after day (I have it on good authority that ‘Pancake and Pyjama Days’ go down very well!)

Then there are many of us sitting and wondering whether we should be planning next year’s curriculum rather than sipping iced coffee in the park. You can slurp that iced coffee, soak up some sun and play that game of rounders! I promise you will still have time to tweak that English lesson or (if you insist) rewrite that History module!

Whatever you do this summer, take some time to enjoy yourself so you can return to school refreshed in September.

This was the subject of Lucy Neuburger’s Late Show on Tuesday 26th July at 19:30. Listen back right here on the Teachers Talk Radio website.


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