1. Best thing about teaching?
There’s so many great things about teaching, where do I begin? The best thing though has to be seeing children in my class smiling, engaged and loving learning. That moment when a learning concept just clicks with a child and they get it.
2. Best city you've ever visited/lived in?
London is everything to me. It’s home and the best city that I’ve ever lived in.
3. A song you listen to when happy/sad?
When I’m happy you can catch me listening to ‘Music Sounds Better With You’ by Stardust. When I’m sad I’ll probably be crying along to ‘Hurt’ by Christina Aguilera.
4. Biggest education inspiration?
So many! Growing up I was inspired by so many amazing teachers. Since watching and reading Freedom Writers, I was greatly inspired by Erin Grunwell and her passion for teaching.
5. Describe your TTR shows in one word
6. Favourite TTR guest (on one of your shows)
Dan Lambert, Ofsted Inspector.
7. Favourite TTR episode (of yours) so far and why?
‘The realities of teaching in a prison’ episode because I had some great guests who taught me about a whole new world of education.
8. Your teaching philosophy?
Consistency is key and building relationships is important.
9. Best bit of advice you ever got?
It’s ok not to be ok.
10. Dream guest on your TTR show?
Stormzy! If I could get Stormzy to come on my show and speak about his education experiences and his university scholarships, I’d be a very happy woman.

- Shaniqua Edwards- Hayde
Broadcasting from London